bouton accueil BEZUBANQ  
  bouton coffres BEZUBANQ  
  bouton comptes bancaires BEZUBANQ  
  bouton histoire BEZUBANQ  
  bouton contact BEZUBANQ  
  bouton liens BEZUBANQ  


Create your own BEZUBANQ

If you wish to create your own BEZUBANQ banknote follow the steps below:

1 – The only media allowed is paper like a real banknote and only one side is requested.

2 – Please respect the exact format specified 18 x 11.5 cm or 7 x 4.5 inches, so as to allow the identical framing of the banknotes. (blank space number 2).

3 - Keep the rectangle of 5 x 1 cm or 2 x 3/8 inches on the bottom right absolutely empty and uncolored. It will be used to print a unique serial number for each banknote. (blank space number 3).

It’ll be used to print a unique serial number for each banknote. (blank space number 3).

4 – Make sure to spell the name of the bank correctly: BEZUBANQ.

5 - Write a value of your choice:  1 – 100 - 20,000 - (?).

6 – Make sure to spell the currency correctly: Bacivart or Bacivarts.

7 - Xenophobic, pornographic, political, religious ideas, among others, are obviously banned.

8 – On a separate sheet of paper, indicate readably your surname, forename, country and Internet site if you have one, to be registered on the “bank accounts”.

9 – The banknotes are to be sent to:
BEZUBANQ - 77 Route de Gisors - 27660 Bézu St Eloi - France

10- Upon receipt, the banknotes will be put online as a digital book.

11- The banknotes will not be sold, they will be exhibited for various charity events to the benefit of children in need.

12 – If you have any questions feel free to contact: